White House will support rescinding DeFi broker rule: David Sacks


Donald Trump’s advisers said they would recommend the US President sign a resolution repealing the IRS rule into law if passed by the House and Senate.

David Sacks, the AI and crypto czar in the Trump administration, said the White House will support congressional efforts to rescind the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) decentralized finance (DeFi) broker rule, set to be implemented in 2027.

In a March 4 X post, Sacks said the administration supported Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s and Ohio Representative Mike Carey’s resolutions under the Congressional Review Act to repeal a regulatory rule that expands the definition of a “broker” to include software providers that enable access to DeFi protocols. According to the AI and crypto czar, Donald Trump’s senior advisers would recommend he sign joint resolution S.J. Res. 3 into law if it were sent to the US President’s desk by Congress.

March 4 statement in support of rescinding DeFi broker rule. Source: David Sacks

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